The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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The MODE command allows you to alter various operational characteristics of
your system printer, screen display and serial ports. These assignments are
temporary and will generally be reset when the system is restarted or reset.
The following capabilities are provided:
1. Change the printer line spacing and number of characters per printed line.
2. Switch to a different display mode and align the screen.
3. Set up the protocol for a serial port.
4. Redirect printer output to a serial port.
Each option is described in a separate discussion below. See the help file
DEVICES for an explanation of the various device names known to the system.
*** Change Printer Parameters ***
MODE LPT#:[n][,[m][,P]]
The input parameters are as follows:
# - The printer number to change (1, 2 or 3). Only use 1 with PCjr.
n - The number of characters per line (80 or 132).
m - The number of printed lines per inch (6 or 8).
P - Perform a continuous retry when a printer timeout error is detected.
The default settings for the printer are 80 characters per line and 6 lines per
inch vertical spacing. The continuous printer retry may be aborted while
running by pressing the Fn Break keys. The continuous retry on timeout may be
reset to the default by entering the command without the P parameter. If the
"n" or "m" parameter is not specified, that mode remains unchanged.
*** Change Display Adapter ***
MODE [n][,m][,T]
The input parameters are as follows:
n = 40 - Set the display to 40 characters per line.
80 - Set the display to 80 characters per line.
BW40 - Disable color and set 40 chars/line.
BW80 - Disable color and set 80 chars/line.
CO40 - Enable color and set 40 chars/line.
CO80 - Enable color and set 80 chars/line.
MONO - Not a valid option for the PCjr. The IBM PC would switch to the
monochrome adapter.
m - Shift the display left or right to enhance the readability (L or R).
T - Display a test pattern to help align the display.
If the "m" and "T" parameters are omitted, only the display mode is changed.
*** Change Serial Port Protocol ***
MODE COMn:baud[,parity[,databits[,stopbits[,P]]]]
The input parameters are as follows:
n - The serial port number (1 or 2).
baud - The baud rate desired: 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800 or 9600.
Only the first two characters are required, all others are ignored.
parity - The parity may be one of none, odd, or even (N, O or E).
databits - The number of databits may by either 7 or 8.
stopbits - The number of stopbits may be either 1 or 2.
P - Perform a continuous retry when a timeout error is detected (this should
be used if a serial printer is connected to this port).
The baud rate must be specified in the command line. The other parameters may
be omitted, in which case the default is used (parity = E, databits = 7,
stopbits = 1 for all baud rates other than 110, in which case 2 stopbits is
the default). To omit a parameter enter two consecutive commas ",". For
example, MODE COM1:110,O,,2 would use the default setting of 7 databits.
The continuous retry may be aborted while running by pressing the Fn Break
keys. The continuous retry on timeout may be reset to the default by entering
the command without the P parameter.
*** Redirect the Printer Output to a Serial Port ***
The input parameters are as follows:
# - The parallel printer number (1, 2 or 3). Only 1 is valid for PCjr.
n - The serial port number (1 or 2).
This command would normally be used if a serial interface printer was connected
to this port. Prior to issuing this command, the port should be initialized
to the correct communications protocol using the preceding MODE command.
Issuing a MODE command to change the printer parameters will disable this